10 Things Singaporeans Should Avoid this Hungry Ghost Month

The Hungry Ghost Festival is here. Just what are some of the things Singaporeans should or should not do during this month?

1. Don't stay out too late. The spirits may follow you back.

2. Don't take selfies or photos at night. You might find an extra person in your photos.

3. Don't open an umbrella, especially a red one, at home. Spirits might flock there to seek shelter.

4. Don't spit or blow your nose at any tree/plant. Don't know why.

5. Don't kill any insects that fly into your home. It could be the reincarnation of someone you know.

6. Don't get married. Will kena bad luck.

7. Don't renovate your house. Later disturb them.

8. Don't hang your clothes overnight. They might possess your clothes (?)

9. Don't stick chopsticks straight up in your rice bowl. They will misunderstand that it is their rice bowl.

10. Don't work overtime too late. If you see something in office nobody will believe you. Plus it is bad for your physical and mental health. Plus you don't get paid much. Plus it's not worth it. Plus your boss won't praise you. Plus you'll be so tired you end up seeing things.

So don't say we didn't warn you. Sometimes not good to have too many "friends".

Credits to Fengshui Beginner

10 Things Singaporeans Should Avoid this Hungry Ghost Month

10 Things Singaporeans Should Avoid this Hungry Ghost Month

The Hungry Ghost Festival is here. Just what are some of the things Singaporeans should or should not do during this month?

1. Don't stay out too late. The spirits may follow you back.

2. Don't take selfies or photos at night. You might find an extra person in your photos.

3. Don't open an umbrella, especially a red one, at home. Spirits might flock there to seek shelter.

4. Don't spit or blow your nose at any tree/plant. Don't know why.

5. Don't kill any insects that fly into your home. It could be the reincarnation of someone you know.

6. Don't get married. Will kena bad luck.

7. Don't renovate your house. Later disturb them.

8. Don't hang your clothes overnight. They might possess your clothes (?)

9. Don't stick chopsticks straight up in your rice bowl. They will misunderstand that it is their rice bowl.

10. Don't work overtime too late. If you see something in office nobody will believe you. Plus it is bad for your physical and mental health. Plus you don't get paid much. Plus it's not worth it. Plus your boss won't praise you. Plus you'll be so tired you end up seeing things.

So don't say we didn't warn you. Sometimes not good to have too many "friends".

Credits to Fengshui Beginner

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