A Private Hire Car had an impromptu car wash when it was found inside a children's swimming pool at a Geylang condominium on Sunday morning. Photos that have been circulating on social media shows the front two wheels of the red Honda Shuttle half-submerged in the pool.

Another photo also shows that the car would have to been driven over several metres of a grass patch and onto a pedestrian path before it eventually reached the swimming pool, thus realistically giving the driver enough time to react or to actually stop the car. The incident happened on early Sunday morning at Sims Green Condominium, which is located at 27A Geylang. Witnesses said the driver appeared to be an elderly man, who was not injured but appeared to be shocked. 

It was not known how the driver failed to notice the grass patch, the pedestrian path, and the swimming pool before he went for his car wash, but some suspect he might have gone for carpooling. 

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