A samaritan going by the name 'Callistar Dynara' on Facebook, is seeking for donations to ease the burden of a family.


This is her post in full:

Salam friends,

We will start a fundraising project for a family of 8. A wife, who is also the mother of 6 kids age 15, 11, 9, 8, 7 and 2 needs help URGENTLY.. Her husband who is the sole breadwinner to the family had 3rd degree burnt affecting 80% of his body due to escooter explosion @ his mum's place and he was trapped inside the room, unable to escape the fire.

Wife is the sole caregiver as husband is depending on her alone to assist on his needs. Family has ZERO income for now as SSO's assistance is still pending for renewal as she could not leave her husband alone at home.


She is currently in need of MEPILEX 17.5cmx17.5cm, STERILE CREPE 6 inch and STERILE CREPE BANDAGE 4inch for her husband's dressings.. His wound is raw and huge, and if it's not properly care, it might lead to severe infections which could lead to complications or death.

Apart from that, she needs help with: 
-kids milk (dugro step 3)
-Kids diapers (drypers xxxl)
-Some cash for her to buy her own food rations as husband is restricted from some foods which could make his condition worst. 
- Some funds for their daily needs, and transportation fares to and from hospital for his upcoming appointment.

As husband is currently not on his best mental state due to the trauma which is affecting his self esteem, We strictly restrict all visitors to their home. 
Any donation items to be sent to our collection point @ Chaichee road and we'll get our team to send it over to her crib. We seek your understanding on this.

Please PM me for details. 
Thank u.

-Callistar Dynara-

The family comprised of 8 people - a husband, a wife, and their six children aged between 2 to 15.

The husband was the sold breadwinner until recently when he suffered 3rd degree burns on 80% of his body. He was in a room when an e-scooter exploded.

At present, the family has no income but plenty of needs that they require. 

If you are interested in helping the family, please contact Callistar Dynara on Facebook for more details on how you can help.


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