Our Ministers are very precious. The police are investigating two netizens in relation to making comments about throwing an egg at K Shanmugam. A 20-year-old allegedly commented that he can throw an egg at the minister while a 47-year-old provided more information on an upcoming Meet-the-People session. 

Their comments were made in response to Australian senator Fraser Anning's racist remarks and how he was recorded being smashed on the head with an egg by a brave teenage boy. 

The netizen who first made the comment said that he did not expect police officers to turn up at his house because of a harmless comment. 

If convicted, the two of them may face up to 5 years in prison and slapped with a fine.

All because of an egg. Is this how the authorities use public resources? Is this how timid and alarmist we have become? 

In the words of netizen Andrew Loh:

"Sometimes I question how we are spending precious public resources to investigate small matters, like a person holding up a mirror in front of Parliament house, or a person who held a private behind-the-door Skype chat, or some people reading the same book on a mrt train, or one person sharing a Facebook post, or one person posting an opinion in a private Facebook post outside of Singapore.

I think we have become an intolerant, dumb society."

You know what? He is not wrong.


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