Have you tried the newest creation, salted egg fries, from Mcdonalds? Many fans of the now popular salted egg sauce flocked to Mcdonalds yesterday to try it out, only to be disappointed. Here are some of the comments by netizens:

Redditor Kirinfal started a thread with the title: PSA: Do NOT buy the McDonald's Salted Egg Yolk Fries if you want to eat salted egg yolk fries.

To elaborate:

It tastes like a mix between overseasoned Campbell's Cream of Chicken soup and slightly warm mayonnaise, along with a dash of shattered dreams.

Try it at your own risk.

Many of the netizens who commented also lamented about how sad the fries tasted. They tasted different things such as sadness and shattered dreams but not salted egg.

 Singapore Meme page Kiasu Memes For Singaporean Teens touted it as the worst food of 2019:

These are just a few examples of reviews from Singaporeans. Will you still try it? I know I will. Because I'm still a kiasu Singaporean at heart.

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