PAP Minister Indranee Rajah finally admits what Singaporeans have known for a long time, that by streaming students into various streams are part of the reasons why Singapore faces a class and social divide.

The recent debate over class divide have take precedence in Singapore, where many Singaporeans agree that class, more than religion or race, are the main factors that Singaporeans are divided in, so much so that there is a clear distinction between the elites, medium income earners and the low wage earners. She said that when the Singapore school system was introduced and started streaming students into the Express, Normal (Academic) and Normal (Technical) streams, it was meant to deal with different learning abilities of the students. Instead, while that had happened, a by-product of this streaming system also sees students started labeling the different abilities with class, and this have helped create a divide among the society. 

She also said that Singaporeans are smart enough to bridge the gaps, by recognising the intrinsic worth of human values instead of measuring them by material possessions such wealth, money or the nice clothes they wear. She obviously forgot to bring this up to ESM Goh, who labelled average Singaporeans as mediocre when comparing salaries of Ministers to middle income earners. And he haven't got to the low class income earners yet. 

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