Our PAP Ministers sure have a way of making Singaporeans unhappy. Many of us work hard just to earn a humble living while they get to take home an ALL TIME LOW of 4.1 months' bonus! This is preposterous. Furthermore, this amount is on top of their basic salary, which is "peanuts", a 13th month allowance and a National Bonus - whatever that means.

They still have the cheek to say that the pay structure is "sound"? They have the balls to say that they are "not paid enough"?

Why are our politicians so thick-skinned? They are already earning so much yet they want to teach the rest of us Singaporeans to save money. Some of their stupid advice are to use Wireless@SG instead of 4G, buy cheaper milk powder and walk more to save on public transport fees. Why do Singaporeans have to scrimp and save while our Ministers get to enjoy fancy bonuses?

When Singaporeans complain about higher costs of living, they tell us to save more and spend less. And then they get to take home sky high salaries.

When Singaporeans complain about Ministers being overpaid, they justify that they are worth it because of their painstaking efforts at serving the nation. And then they get to take home sky high salaries instead.

It is no surprise that so many Singaporeans are unhappy with our ruling party because they keep pushing the wrong buttons. From housing to carpark to public transport to CPF, our Government seems to be making more excuses than improvements. To many Singaporeans, they are definitely overpaid. To many Singaporeans, they are also definitely not worthy of their current pay. 

So to our beloved Ministers, if many Singaporeans are thinking this way, it may well be a your problem. It is better that you start checking if your hearts are in the right place and start serving Singaporeans better. 

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