The convening of the Electoral Boundaries Review Committee (EBRC) has stirred more debate on the possible dates of the actual elections.

Nevertheless, opposition politicians generally seem to agree that the general elections would be called next year.

Figures like Goh Meng Seng (People's Power Party), Mohamad Hamim Aliyas (Democrtic Progressive Party), and Tan Jee Say (Singaporean's First Party) seem to concur with speculation that the elections will be held after the Budget 2020 announcement.

They believe that Budget 2020 will be an election Budget, with many goodies likely to be announced.

The politicians, are more concerned with the normally short time-frame between the release of the Electoral Boundaries Report and Polling Day.

They called for a fair and suitable time-frame to allow all parties to make the necessary preparations.

Regardless of the announcement, parties like the Singapore Democratic Alliance, the Worker's Party, the Singapore Democratic Party and the Reform Party have already begun preparations for the elections.

For Singaporeans, it does not matter when the elections are.

What Singaporeans want is a change. Not more goodies. Not more wayang.

And change will sweep through Singapore.

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