Netizens are up in arms over the latest NS related death, more so now that it involves a young local celebrity, actor Aloysius Pang. His death makes it 7 NSFs and 1 NSman dead in the past 16 months – 3 suicides, 1 hazing ritual gone wrong, 1 heat injury and 3 training accidents.

Netizens also slammed MINDEF for their alleged lack of care towards soldier, when that is one of the core values. On their FB page that announced the death of Pang, while netizens send their condolences to the fallen NS man, others also called out MINDEF for their useless training safety, where lives of those serving keeps getting lost with regularity over the past one year and a half. Some also slammed MINDEF for their useless COIs, always convened after a death, but yet nothing changed. This latest training exercise death further reiterated the point that MINDEF never learn from their mistakes, and that soldiers keep dying no matter what findings and recommendations were put forth by the COI.

To make things worse, there was even accusations online that the MINDEF FB admin keep deleting posts that does not shed good light on MINDEF on this issue. It seems that MINDEF are fighting hard to maintain a good reputation, when Singaporeans know that they are quite useless and hopeless in preventing trainee deaths.

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