The 7th month is well and truly underway. And as always during this month, lots of ghost stories or haunted palecs resurfaced. And so, there is something serious to share with all of you, in preparation for the 7th month.

During this 7th month, there have been lots of report about avoiding certain roads. These roads are named as:-

1. Old Upper Thomson Road
2. Lim Chu Kang Road
3. South Buona Vista Road
4. Yio Chu Kang Road
5. Mount Pleasant Road
6. Old Tampines Road

However, the scariest, top of list up to this date, and for many decades, has got to be along Robinson Road. This road seldom gets spoken about in hush tones. Trust us, Hell is definitely located there.

Yes, this is the very road where the mythical CPF Building and its mythical CPF are located. You can see, but still cannot touch. What makes it worse is that the whole freaking CPF building has mysteriously disappeared, only to reappear when you least expect it. Nobody knows where the CPF is now.

Even David Copperfield cannot make CPF disappear just like that, Speaking of which, anyone wants to dare David Copperfield to take up this challenge to bring back the building and, of course, ultimately our CPF money back?

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