A school has come under fire from netizens for a circular that it allegedly sent out in relation to the children's attire for the upcoming celebration of Racial Harmony Day (RHD). While it encouraged the children to come in their ethnic attire, it banned the use of headgear for 'safety reasons'.

It drew the ire of the local Malay/Muslim (MM) community. Even non-MM netizens were perplexed with the rule.

Every year, Singapore celebrates RHD on 21 Jul. RHD was first celebrated in 1997 to celebrate the harmony of our racial, religious, and ethnic diversity. It is also a day to commemorate the racial riots that took place here in Singapore, in 1964, between the Malay and Chinese communities.

Race and religious matters remain sensitive topics in Singapore.

Hence, the commemoration of RHD in schools remain rather superficial, with the wearing of the ethnic clothing being a feature the event.

Netizens voiced out against this missed opportunity. By allowing them to wear headgear, it forces the children to see that those wearing headgear, are their friends or schoolmates, and are no different from them.

It will teach the kids not to marginalise based on one's skin colour, or the headgear that one uses.

It will teach them to embrace the diversity, and to celebrate the differences. 

If they are not taught this when they are young, impressionable, and still in school, then when will they learn?

We have a tolerant society.

However, what we want is to build a truly harmonious society where there is true respect for others not from the same creed or skin colour. The school, and MOE need to reflect and review their roles in helping to Singapore to be a truly harmonious society.



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