In latest news, IMDA now claims that MHA was consulted before the Waitain Concert was given the green light to carry on. Before the concert got banned on 7 Mar 2019, IMDA consulted several agencies if they should let Waitain go ahead with their concert. After much consideration, they decided to give it a M18 rating with stringent requirements such as the removal of certain songs and actions that might be religiously offensive.

However, before the concert was due to take place, MHA asked IMDA to reconsider canceling the concert due to "new and serious concerns about public order". 

This news came after MHA claiming that they they did not reconsider canceling the concert only when an online petition started by a Malaysian came about.

All we can say is, the tai qi game of our Government is indeed strong. I point you, you point me. But at the end of the day? It's never their fault. 

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