From January 1 next year, employers will not be allowed to hod on to their foreign domestic workers' (FDW) salary, even if their maids want them to. The MOM said that this new rule will help to protect both parties from monetary dispute.

MOM reported that they receive about 600 cases of salary disputes a year, most of it over the safekeeping of salary. That's almost two cases a day. About time that this rule is applied. After all, do you ask your employers to safekeep any part of your salary? Sounds ridiculous, right? So why should it be any different between employers and their maids? 

The maids are grown up adults after all, so whatever they do with their salary is for them to decide, not for employers to decide. After all, if employers are allowed to keep the maids salary, there might be cases of no proper accounting done, so the salary of the maid might not be exactly the figure they earned. After all, when it comes to employers and maids, the employers are always right.

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