Terry Xu from The Online Citizen was sent a letter which asked them to remove an article from their site as well as the post linking to the article on their Facebook page on 1 September 2019. PM Lee gave him three days to remove said article.

Xu responded last night with his own letter which is now fully posted on their Facebook and website. In the letter, Xu claims that he has since reviewed the article and deemed it not defamatory as he "was merely republishing the words uttered by your (PM Lee's) siblings". He also mentioned that the focus of the article also gives rise to "issues of public interest"

Xu however, acknowledges that certain parts of the article might have been misinterpreted and apologized for it:

However, I am cognisant of the possibility that one reading the Article may be open to the misinterpretation of the timing of your removal as an executor and trustee of the will of Mr Lee Kuan Yew. It was not my intention to suggest that your removal as an executor in the will of Mr Lee Kuan Yew occurred after 2011. Neither did I intend to suggest that your removal as an executor and trustee of the will was a result of the issue of the gazetting of the 38 Oxley. I certainly recognise the possibility of the misinterpretation, which you have pointed out at paragraph 4 of your Letter. In that regard, I offer my apologies.
Xu ended the letter by saying that even though he fears the hefty fees from the legal proceedings, he will stand by his principles and stand by his love for Singapore and therefore, will not be removing his article nor the post. 
Kudos to Xu for being so brave and standing up to Pinky. We should all stand by him and fight together!
You can see his full post with the letter here:

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