If you have not already known, SMRT has been operating at a loss for the past year.

They reportedly made business losses of $86 million, which translates to around $235,000/day in 2018. 

In a facebook post, Joe Ng said that he managed to take a look at both SBS's and SMRT's annual report to find out if the news of the business losses were true.

He checked the SBS 2018 annual report (which can be found at the SBS's website) and saw that the company was making profit.

Next he looked at SMRT 2016 annual report because the reports for 2017 and 2018 could not be found publicly aka missing in SMRT's website. In the 2016 annual report, SMRT made profit.

"I have actually looked at both SBS 2018 annual report and SMRT 2016 annual report (cannot find any annual report for 2017, 2018), both also making profits."

This was the photo posted by Joe.

You can check for yourselves if you are curious about this too since such reports are publicly available online. 

SMRT's 2018 Annual Report has yet to be released on their website for public eyes.

Someone said that perhaps we won't get to see the annual report of the years where there were losses declared.

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