A distraught son took to Facebook to question the alleged unprofessionalism of Tan Tock Seng Hospital, in their handling of his mother, a patient there.

The son was livid with the flippant response from the staff, after they had caused his mother to dehydrate after injecting the wrong fluid into her by mistake.

Her mom had also suffered injection bruises when an inexperienced staff tried, but failed to draw blood from her, about five to six times. 

Also, the attending Lung Specialist was also almost two hours late for an appointment with them, but only told them that she wasn't able to come on time after they contacted the specialist.

Apart from an apology, they did not offer his mother any further medication for the swelling. They even had the audacity to ask him to remove the earlier post.

The son is clearly exasperated at the treatment.

Whoever was monitoring TTSH's social media should have been more considered and ask the son what else they can do to make things better, rather than be so besotted with the bad press.

The patient should be prioritised. Not your reputation. If you had taken good care of your patients, your reputation will take care of itself.

What are they going to do about the administration of the wrong fluid to her mom. Mistakes happen but it should not be glossed over with a mere apology.

The outcome could have been much worse than a dehydration. An apology wouldn't have been enough.

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